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Happy Thursday, and almost FRIDAY! I do not know about you, but I get so excited when I make it to Thursday's; although, it is another work day but mentally, I am preparing myself for the weekend. Ha! Ha! With that being said, I have some exciting news for nonprofits seeking funding, the 990s have been updated and released by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). These forms are essential because they provide pivotal information for nonprofits seeking funding for their programs and projects on an annual basis.

As you may know, seeking funding is not easy. Grant proposals due tend to take a lot of work. It is important when your entity seeks out a grant writer that you understand at least the base level of what that means. Grant writers can not guarantee grant funding; however, there are red flags for funders in a grant proposal. The red flags are listed below:

  • Not Reading Directions

  • The Numbers Don't Add Up

  • Outcomes Are Not Clear --- Or Are Confused With Activities or Outputs

  • Proposal Is Not Personalized To The Funder

  • Not Being Clear About Who Is Going to Do The Work

  • Your Proposal Is Unrealistic

  • Not Checking Spelling, Grammar, and Formatting

Please be sure to reach out if you are interested in hiring Jobmojo Consulting Firm, LLC as your grant service provider. We are hear to provide you with the best services on a daily basis.

Have a great evening and upcoming weekend.

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